(718) 858-8663

We’re Back!

Hi 5th Grade Community!

We are so excited to update you on what has been going on in 5th grade these past few weeks. Our students have not only progressed wonderfully in their classes; they also have participated in a few thrilling events, including our amazing NYC Challenge and our super fun Simchat Torah celebration. We hope you enjoy reading our updates, and we look forward to seeing you on November 9 for Parent-Teacher Conferences.



“This week on Monday and Tuesday we prepared for a shuk in our classroom by making slide shows of one of the four species (Lulav and Etrog) at our tables. We had to search the internet to learn information about our group’s species to teach the class. We learned the biblical name, interesting facts about it and where is grows in Israel. On Wednesday we had the Shuk! Each group had a turn selling the species. The only way to buy one of the species was to answer a question from the seller, if you got it correct you could get it and if you did not get it right you had to answer another question. After we went into the “shuk cafe” where we had some etrog tea and etrog jam crackers while listening to a story. On Friday we had our first Trope Friday! It was a great week in Judaics”


“This week we made an arbeh minim (four species market). At the shuk we had groups of students who researched each species. Once they were experts on their species they made a slide show and presented the information to the class. They then got to “sell” it to the other students in exchange for them answering questions. We had our first trope Friday where we did a review game using the symbols of trope. I am looking forward to knowing what the Joseph story is about next week when we start translating!”


HUMANITIES: Our students have been working incredibly hard in all three disciplines of Humanities. In Literature, we are continuing Wonder, and we just had a really successful first Socratic Seminar. Students have been diving deep into themes such as personal identity, friendship, and being ordinary when you are truly extraordinary. In Writing, we are wrapping up our personal narrative unit. Students have worked so hard to tell their personal stories in a rich and sophisticated way. Finally, in Social Studies, we have been exploring the origins of Ancient India, including the first peoples and their cities and cultures. It’s been a great week, and I hope everyone has a great weekend-Tony

MATH: The fifth graders had their first test on unit one: whole numbers. It was great to see everyone working hard to prepare for the test. I am looking forward to working with the fifth graders on our next unit, calculations with whole numbers, where we will develop skills of calculations with parentheses, methods for mental calculation, word problems, multiplication by a 2-digit whole numbers, and division by a 2-digit whole number.-Kelly


This week the fifth grade learned how to use the prepositions לה\לי\לך\לו\להם\להן\לכם\לכן\לנו.
They learned through listening comprehensions and practiced using them in writing and conversations all on our topic of “food”. In addition, 5th grade also learned new vocab and read an article about vegetarians. שבת שלום-Yehuda


השבוע התלמידים עבדו על פרוייקט סיום יחידת “המדריך למטייל” אשר במסגרתו כל תלמיד בחר ביעד שביקר או שהיה מעוניין לבקר. מטרת הפרוייקט היא להקנות לתלמידים את הכלים לחיפוש במחשב באתרים בעברית. התלמידים כתבו בלוג המשלב מספר פיסקאות המתארות לקורא את החוויה וכמו כן את המלצותיו.

סוף שבוע טוב,
