(718) 858-8663

Week 37: Monday, June 4th – Friday, June 8th


Dear parents,

This week the students worked on finishing their end of the year movies about themselves. The goal of the project was to encourage the students to end the year with a verbal presentation of themselves. Next week, I will share with you their written autobiographies and parts of their movies.

Enjoy your weekend,

הורים יקרים,

תלמידי כיתה ח’ הינם המחזור הראשון שסיים את התוכנית לדוברי עברית כאות הוקרה למאמץ שהם השקיעו הזמנו אותם למסעדה ישראלית במנהטן, שהיה ממש מוצלח. בנוסף לזה השינשינים ערכו פיעלות אחרונה איתם שכללה את המשחק חדר מילוט (Escape Room).  

מאחלת לכם סוף שבוע נעים,


Judaic Studies:

We completed our 8th grade student presentations this week. Alex taught the story of Solomon and the disputed baby; Ilai led a powerful discussion about whether good should be rewarded by teaching the Book of Job; Maia brought in a Jimi Hendrix song to illuminate the story of David and Bathsheva; Laurel and Ruby compared the two creation stories; Ella wondered about why God created people in Breishit, since we ruin everything; and Mattan focused on Megillat Esther. It was a pleasure to learn from my students!

Shabbat shalom,


Math and Science:

Students finished with the building process of their bridges. With determination and patience these bridge models finally took shape. Students also worked on their video presentations in order to finish this STEAM project. Next week, as a group, we will test these bridges using a life weight load in order to discover their strength. We will finish the year strong and enjoy all our science accomplishments as we get closer to graduation!

Mike Noll and Craig Mutzman

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