(718) 858-8663

Week 33: Monday, May 7th – Friday, May 11th


Dear parents,

This has been a very productive week for the 8th-grade students! The students have been busy writing a short autobiography in Hebrew. The final draft of the Autobiography is next Wednesday, May 16th.

I wish everyone a relaxed weekend,




,הורים יקרים

השבוע המשכנו בלימוד זמן עתיד תוך כדי הטיית פעלים וכתיבת משפטים. התלמידים נבחנו על אוצר המילים שלמדנו ביחידה ובנוסף, .השינשינים הגיעו אלינו וערכו פעילות מהנה תוך הכנת כדורי שוקולו

סוף שבוע טוב,



Literature and Writing: Students continued their work with Night.  We examined the moral universe of Auschwitz and looked at how the prisoners attempted to maintain their humanity in the face of the dehumanizing tactics deployed by the Nazis in the concentration camps.  We also examined culpability and responsibility in this difficult context.  Next week, we will continue to look at the choiceless choices many in the camps faced and the acts of resistance that took place in Auschwitz.

History: History class this week was used to work on yearbook pages and graduation speeches.  We will continued with our regularly schedule programming next week which will include the start of our slavery historical fiction bookclub and their final independent reading project of the year.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Judaic Studies

We are nearing the end of the tragic story of Shimshon/Samson. Students practiced using evidence from the text to discuss what type of person Shimshon is. Students also hunted for discussion questions in the text, and talked about whether or not they believe in love at first sight. Why does Shimshon make such poor choices? We will complete this strange and fascinating story next week with a art midrash project.

Shabbat shalom!


Math and Science

8th Grade continued their STEAM Bridge Project within their science and math classes. This second week we focused on researching about different bridges around the world. This allowed students to have an in depth exploration of the different types of bridges. After we complete this research we will expose students to the mathematical concepts involved in bridge design. This will led them to start creating blueprints of their own bridges. We are looking forward to seeing their unique bridge designs next week.

Mike Noll and Craig Mutzman