(718) 858-8663

Social Studies

מדעי החברה

Social studies is the study of human experiences. At Hannah Senesh, students begin by considering themselves, their families, and our school community. They learn to see themselves as individuals, as well as members of larger groups, and explore the relationships between people and society. As students get older, they can appreciate a greater range of perspectives and viewpoints, especially those that are different from their own. Students study neighborhoods, our city, and the early history of the United States. In-depth consideration of far away places such as China and India exposes students to the richness of other cultures, and allows them to understand and appreciate their own traditions in a different light.

Middle school students engage in deeper and more complex questions about the past, and tackle current events with the critical eyes of an imminent electorate. From the birth of civilization in Mesopotamia, to the fall of the Roman Empire; from the Renaissance in Europe to the founding of the United States, students consider the cycles of history and aim to identify lessons for the present, in order to build a better future. Exposure to primary source materials allows students to develop document-based questioning skills. An emphasis on the role of the U.S. government and a close study of the Constitution prepare our students to be informed and involved citizens-and the leaders of tomorrow.