(718) 858-8663

October 23rd – 27th

Judaic Studies

7th graders used the Tanach to figure out how the Israelite camp was set up in the wilderness. Students came up with theories: why is the camp organized in this way? What does the architecture of the space communicate to this nation of former slaves? 7th graders shared many wonderful, thoughtful theories about the placement of the tribes and why the mishkan (tabernacle) is at the center of the camp.

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The 7th Grade STEAM project continues with the design process that continually improves, imagines, plans, and creates. This has allowed the projects to evolve within every class. Students have started observing parts working successful in their Rube Goldberg devices. The passion and excitement continues in science and follows into art where they focus on the form of their devices. Next week they will continue making progress and refining their devices.

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Mike Noll and Samantha Butwin


Seventh graders simplified expressions, evaluated expressions, and applied their algebraic skills to real world situations this week. We are looking forward to building more algebraic skills next week.

Math Help is available Wednesday after school (4-5pm) in room 207.


Students worked very hard on a few different projects this week. Many students worked on the Julius Caesar Film Festival project. Each student has been assigned a short passage from the play. Using a variety of resources, they needed to research a poem, work of art, or song that relates to the main idea or emotion of the passage. Students were then asked to pair the two in an audio/video segment. The passages together will form the narrative arc of the play, and I’m so excited to watch them next week.


This week the middle school started a proficiency based online assessment. 

We use this assessment twice a year (beginning & end) and look into all four skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
As this is a proficiency-based test, there is no need to prepare for it. 
There are two main goals for this test. The first is for the school to assess students progress through the year as well as across the grades.
The second is to see patterns of progress which will help adapt our curriculum and instruction as needed.
The results of this assessment ranked according to ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) standards 
 The test does not effect student’s grade and is not factored into this semesters grade.
Shabbat Shalom,
Dear parents,
We are excited to let you know that this week we started a mindfulness program in advisory. The program is comprised of once a week meetings.
The Program Goals:
  • Provide students with the tools to create a space between stimulus and response and manage high school process more effectively.
  • Help students to distinguish between reality and their own thoughts and foster an ability to observe and label their own thoughts without judgment.
  • Discover roots of mindfulness within Jewish Text and Values
  • Cultivate caring community members
  • Create a time and space of quiet reflection.
We hope the children will benefit from the program and it will provide them with meaningful life skills!