(718) 858-8663

Nov 13 – Nov 17


This week in class we picked up where the students left off last year in their Neta books. We started by reviewing the unit on music. Students listened to conversations about different opinions on music genres and shared their own opinions. We also discussed the topic of reality shows and what they think about children participating in them.

Shabbat Shalom,

Judaic Studies 

We have completed our study of the first ten chapters of bmidbar, which are all about the formation of an organized community in preparation for entering the land of Israel. Full of excitement, Moshe invites his father-in-law to come with them — and he says “no!”  How can this be? What does it foreshadow about the journey ahead? The seventh graders had very insightful and sophisticated answers to these questions!

Shabbat Shalom,
Hebrew Heritage
,ורים יקרים

השבוע התחלנו יחידה חדשה הבאה לדון בחישבותו של גיבוש. כולנו שייכים לקבוצות שונות: משפחה, כיתה, תנועת נוער וכדומה. השאלות שנעסוק בהם; מה הם היתרונות והחסרונות של קבוצה? כיצד אנחנו מתנהגים בתוך קבוצה? איזה תפקיד אנחנו לוקחים עלינו במסגרת של קבוצה? הדיונים .בנושא נערכים בכיתה באמצעות משחקים (כמו משחק ההישרדות), קריאת טקסטים וכתיבה של טיעונים ונימוקים בעד או נגד הצטרפות לקבוצה

.בנוסף הגיעו אלינו השינשינים לפעילות מהנה שעסקה בייחודם של תנועות הנוער בישראל

,סוף שבוע נעים



The 7th Grade STEAM project is coming into its final stage. The Rube Goldberg device are coming alive and the excitement for these projects has produced positive feelings. So much effort has been placed into these project, that students are very proud when they accomplish the final parts of functionality! We are excited to showcase these projects during or STEAM Fest in December!

Mike Noll and Samantha Butwin



This week, we began reading Beowulf: A New Telling. It was exciting to see students’ reactions to the vivid and intense descriptions of the monster Grendel. We practiced reading aloud and visualized Hall Heorot, Scyld Scefing, and the fen. I am looking forward to seeing their reading skills and storytelling skills evolve while reading this adaptation. We also began to think about and plan for our 7th grade social action project which centers around literacy.


This week, we simplified linear algebraic expressions (7X) and factored expressions by grouping terms (7Y). 7Y is going to have their unit 4 test on Monday, November 20th, and all unit 3 and 4 assignments/corrections are due Monday, November 27th. 7X is going to have their unit 4 test on Tuesday, November 28th, and all unit 3 and 4 assignments/corrections are due Tuesday, December 5th. Have a great weekend!