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Middle School Testimonials

What’s Special about Middle School at Hannah Senesh?

I’ve been at Senesh since Kindergarten and have noticed a really big change between Middle School and Lower School. In Middle School, you get to make your own choices and the teachers trust you to take care of yourselves. There are also so many great classes and trips that we get to take. The trips are all connected to what we’re learning about and related to our education. I’m excited to go on a trip to an urban farm in a few weeks and then to Israel in 8th grade!
-Isaac Silverman, Class of 2020

Middle School is not a favorite time in life for a lot of people, but Senesh was a really happy place for me. I relish my Middle School memories. I loved the musicals and the trips and I think the Senesh philosophy and the wonderful faculty helped make my Middle School experience as fantastic as it was.
–Leah Robinson, Class of 2008

I think the teachers and curriculum are really good because they always adjust to your level, which makes learning easier and fun.
-Ilan Greenberg, Class of 2020

I believe my time at Senesh set me up for success. I felt further ahead academically than many of my peers because Senesh provided me with a very individualized approach. If I had been in a bigger school, I may not have developed the same passion for learning.
-Alexander Amir, Class of 2012

I like our Middle School because we get to have classes and programs with kids in the other grades, so we really get to know everyone in the whole school.
-Abby Konigsberg, Class of 2020

Hannah Senesh is a great choice for Middle School because it allows you to thrive in the things you enjoy, and even in the things you struggle with – because both the teachers and other students really help you. I love being in classes with really intelligent kids and have the opportunity to get to know everyone so well. If you don’t go to Senesh for Middle School, you’re missing out on a family.
-Robert Shikhman, Class of 2018

The 8th grade Israel trip is, in many ways, the culmination of a student’s experience at Hannah Senesh. Nine years of learning Hebrew, studying the history of ancient and modern Israel, reading biblical stories and exploring the question of what it means to be part of the Jewish people, all come together during the trip. Spending two weeks together with their classmates is also a powerful experience of independence — as students travel without their parents — and community — as students bond with their classmates.
-Jessica Lissy Trey, 7th and 8th Grade Judaic Studies Teacher

I love the sports at Senesh. I was on the soccer team and we played games all over Brooklyn. It was a great team experience – we were such a tight community. We all played at different levels, but were still part of one team. In general, Senesh is a place where you make really great, close friendships.
-Miranda Medintz, Class of 2019

At Senesh, we learned lots of Jewish texts, and learned about different pieces of Jewish history. However, most of these sights and stories weren’t relevant to me until I got the chance to see them with my own two eyes on our 8th grade Israel trip. Being able to see places like the Ancient City of Jerusalem, Hezekiah’s tunnel, and the Bar Kochba tunnels, gave me a chance to connect to my heritage, and the people who came before me.
-Ayden Holzkenner, Class of 2014

My favorite subjects in Middle School are science, arts, PE, and history. In history we learn about different time periods and what the people did and thought. I like PE because it’s a good break in the day and we play all different kinds of sports. I like art because you can be creative and can never really be wrong. I like science because you are prepared to be wrong – that’s the point and part of the process of experimenting.
-Leila Dickman, Class of 2019