(718) 858-8663

June 4 – June 8


7X is close to finishing Unit 14: Proportions. Unit 14 assignments/corrections are due Wednesday, June 13th.

7Y is close to finishing Unit 17: Probability of Combined Events. Units 16 and 17 assignments/corrections are due Wednesday, June 13th.

Judaic Studies

I was blown away by the amazing presentations at the Renaissance Fair! Kol haKavod!

7th graders looked at the reaction of Bnai Yisrael to the spies’ report. Why do they say “If only we’d died in the land of Egypt or in this wilderness – if only we’d died!” Why would they rather die than go into the land? What are they afraid of? Students shared personal experiences of encountering their own fear of failure, or times when they’d rather not try at all than attempt something and not succeed. We also looked at a powerful question posed by Ava: why didn’t God just magically transport Bnai Yisrael to Canaan? Why make them walk there slowly across the desert? Students suggested a range of possible answers to this question, and also looked at a response from the Rambam.

Shabbat Shalom,


Hebrew Heritage 

הורים יקרים,

תלמידי כיתה ח’ הינם המחזור הראשון שסיים את התוכנית לדוברי עברית כאות הוקרה למאמץ שהם השקיעו הזמנו אותם למסעדה ישראלית במנהטן, שהיה ממש מוצלח. בנוסף לזה השינשינים ערכו פיעלות אחרונה איתם שכללה את המשחק חדר מילוט (Escape Room).  

מאחלת לכם סוף שבוע נעים,


This week students worked on finishing up their final Hebrew project. Their project was to write a letter to a friend or family member about a trip in Israel. As a requirement students had to use a list of nouns verbs and adjectives that was given to them. In addition, In their letters they mentioned locations and certain cultural aspects they learned about Israel in Hebrew class this year.


We LOVED hosting the Journey Through the Renaissance! It was so fun to see all the 7th graders engaged with their research and presenting their material. It was inspiring to see! We will finish our Fahrenheit 451 essay next week, our final writing assignment of the year. Have a restful and relaxing weekend.


This week in science we tested our solar cars on the sunny roof. We measured how straight and fast these cars traveled on the test tracks. Students had a great time comparing each other’s car and noticing features that allowed them to function. This gave the students a true sense of accomplishment and a solid connection to the how solar panels convert sunlight into direct energy. Next week we will end with a final building challenge and apply these refined engineering skills.

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