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First Grade: Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving week. First graders continued to strengthen their opinion writing skills, worked on their math facts, and learned about more school community helpers. We also got to celebrate Thanksgiving together as a class. We made cornbread and homemade butter to share with our fifth grade buddies. Check out our pictures from this week!

In Hebrew, we learned the letter samech as well as a new vowel, which makes the “eh” sound.

In Yahadut, we learned a new prayer from the amidah called harotze betshuva. We spoke about what or who reminds us to make good choices in our lives.

This week’s Parasha is Vayetze, which is about Jacob leaving his home to go to Haran and on his way he had a dream. In the dream God promises to protect him. We spoke about that at times we have to try new things even if we think that we are not capable to do them and to believe in ourselves like; Jacob didn’t know what waits for him in a difference place, but he goes on his journey with confidence and hope. We also read about how Jacob met Rachel and Leah.

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