(718) 858-8663

Happy Purim!

Dear Kindergarten Families,

What an exciting and busy week we had in Kindergarten! We started on Monday by celebrating the 100th Day of School. We were excited to welcome Wren’s mom to teach us about being a vet for letter V. We also had lots of fun dressing up and celebrating Purim!

And, on Friday, we had a Drum Circle presented by an amazing company called Musical IQ!

You can see a video of our Purim Parade and other fun photos on the Hannah Senesh Facebook Page here (6:30 minute)

In Math, we have been learning about comparing and combining sets and the new terminology about addition. We learned the words addition, plus sign, word problem, and number line. We practiced combining sets of numbers between 0 and 20. Practice with your child at home adding coins, cheerios, blueberries and other things. It is FUN!

In English Language Arts, we learned the letter Vv and the sound /v/ it makes (as in ‘van’) and we learned the motion for the sound /th/ (as in ‘thin’ and ‘that’). We practiced forming upper and lowercase Vv letters using our Handwriting Without Tears books, wooden planks, and finding words that start with V and drawing pictures of them. We also made a volcano and set up an office for a veterinarian in our dress up area. In our spelling sorts, we also learned the short vowel words (cat, or rug) and practiced sorting the words and pictures and writing short words with these vowels.

In Writing, we began our opinion/persuasive writing unit. We wrote about our Purim celebration and what we like about Purim. To convince our readers, we practiced using the word ‘because.’

In Social Studies, for Black History Month, we read two wonderful books, “Wilma Unlimited”  by Katleen Krull and “I am Jackie Robinson” by Brad Meltzer. We learned about the challenges each athlete faced as they made history.

In Hebrew/Judaics this week we were busy celebrating and preparing for Purim. We prepared Mishloach Manot for our buddies. We read the Megillat Esther in Hebrew and colored the characters. We sang Purim Songs such as  “Chag Purim”,  “Achat Shtayim Shalosh Ani Achashverosh” and “Leitzan Katan Sheli”. The children acted as Mordechai, Haman, Achashverosh, Vashti or Malkat Ester and prepared beautiful colorful masks and raashanim ( graggers). We said the Brachot for kriaat megilah and made noise with the raashanim (- graggers), each time we read the name “Haman.” In addition, we reviewed the 4 Mitzvot of Purim: Megilah reading (Kriaat Megilah), Mishloach manot, tzdakah (matanot laevyonim) and  festive meal  (Mishteh or seudat Purim) .

The books we read were also Purim related: “Sammy Spider’s First Purim” by Katherine Janus Kahn Sylvia Rouss and “Purim” by Camile Kress. Vocabulary related to Purim: megillah, raashan – gragger , ozney haman – hamentashen, masecha- mask, leytzan- clown, melech- king , malkah- queen.

Chag Sameah and Shabbat Shalom,

Regina, Rachel, Irit, and Ilana


Learning about addition in math class

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100th Day of School – presenting our collections of 100 objects

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100th Day activities: Building with 100 cups, 100 Lego pieces or 100 cubes

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Making 100 hearts with the reasons we love school

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Happy Birthday, Zsuzsi!

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Making designs with our wooden letter pieces

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Playing a vet

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Happy Purim!

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Megillah reading with our 4th grade buddies

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Purim Carnival

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Decorating Mishloah Manot with our buddies

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