(718) 858-8663

December 18th – December 21st


This week, 7X students started unit six and learned to solve problems involving ratio. After winter break, they will continue with the unit and learn to find rates, average rates, and speed.

7Y studied and reviewed to solve problems involving ratio, rate, and speed. They completed the unit with a worksheet instead of taking a test on Wednesday. After winter break, we will be going on to Unit 7: Percentage.

Have a wonderful break!

Judaic Studies

After Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was smuggled out of the besieged Jerusalem in a coffin, he made his way to Yavneh, where he founded a center of study of the Torah sh’b’al peh/the Oral Law. 130 years later, in 200 CE, Rabbi Yehuda ha Nasi organized and wrote down the Oral Law, creating the Mishna. Why did the rabbis keep the oral law oral for so long — why were they opposed to writing it down? And what happened to make Rabbi Yehuda ha Nasi decide that the time had come to preserve the Oral Law in a written form? Ask your 7th graders!

We completed our history of the second Temple period unit by playing Sparks of Eternity, a role playing computer game. It is my hope that someone in this class will go on to create an even better educational Jewish game in the future!

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This week 7th grade started their new unit on “Trips in northern Israel”.
As part of the unit students learned about the unique village of “Pkien”. Pkien is a village where 4 religions (Christians, Muslims, Jews, Druze) live in, in harmony and peace.
Students learned about the history of the Jewish family that lives there and about the ancient synagogue that has been standing strong since the second temple!
In addition, we learned about a beautiful hike in the “Amud river to Tzfat” about the scenery and the historic points of interest along the river.

Have a wonderful break,



We have been working on a persuasive/argument writing unit. We finished our rough drafts and will be revising in January. Students had four topics to choose from: sports, social media, STEAM v STEM, and fiction reading. It’s exciting to see their writing skills progress.

We also completed our book drive for the 7th grade social action project. It was extremely rewarding to send the books over today. I am really proud of how the B group put time and effort into completing this project.


Hebrew Heritage

להורים שלום,

השבוע חלף לו במהרה עם הרבה פעילויות שקשורות לחג החנוכה, כמו כן פעילויות שקשורות בתנועות נוער עם השינשינים. התלמידים קיבלו בחזרה את המבחנים במידה ותרצו לעבור איתם על זה.

שתהיה לכם חופשה מהנה,
