(718) 858-8663

December 11th – December 15th

Judaic Studies

Your 7th graders blew me away this week! We hosted our conference on the Future of Judaism: Perspectives from the Year 90. Students presented the thoughts of their historical group about whether Judaism could continue after the destruction of the Beit haMikdash. Using technology to express their ideas — including Instagrams, websites, and powerpoints — students argued passionately and challenged each other, all in character. We celebrated their hard work by designing (and then eating!) cookie coins for each group, modeled on the Roman coin issued after the defeat of Judea:


7th graders visited with their 3rd grade buddies, who showed off their new Hanuka knowledge!

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7Y class started a new unit on ratio, rate, and speed, and we will be finishing this unit next week with reviews and completing all previous unit five and six assignment corrections by Wednesday, December 20th. 7X class finished and took a unit test on simple equations in one variable, and are looking forward to starting a new unit on ratio, rate, and speed. 7X will need to turn in all unit five assignments corrected by Wednesday, December 20th.

Happy Hanukkah!


Students this week, post an amazing Rube Goldberg project, started the next chapter in science. We focused on continuing to work collaboratively in order to collect accurate data. Students dropped different pieces of paper in order to produce data that demonstrates the effect of gravity and air resistance. The classroom was fill with focused students and questions from curious minds. We will continue these hands on activities next week.

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Mike Noll

Hebrew Heritage

הורים יקרים,

השבוע המשכנו בדיון בו התלמידים הביעו את דעותיהם בנושא היתרונות והחסרונות של קבוצה. כיצד תלמידים מרגישים חלק מקבוצה? אם הם יהיו מוכנים לערוב לתלמידים אחרים שנמצאים איתם בקבוצה? ואם לא, מדוע? כיצד זה תלמידים אחרים מרגישים עם זה. על מנת לענות על שאלות אלה קראנו טקסטים רלוונטים וערכנו תרגילי גיבוש.

כמו כן, השבוע התקיים מבחן סיכום יחידה, נראה כי התלמידים עבדו קשה להצלחתו, כל הכבוד!!!.

סוף שבוע נעים,
