(718) 858-8663

Dec 4 – Dec 8


This week the seventh graders wrote conversations and later on filmed them. The conversations were written based on “life situations” that were assigned to them using vocabulary from our unit. A situation for example: “You have tickets to a concert you are unable to attend, you need to try to sell the tickets to your friend convince them the band is worth going to see”.
The students wrote creative conversations memorized them and filmed them.
Shabbat Shalom,


Judaic Studies

Students worked hard this week preparing their presentations for Tuesday’s conference, titled The Future(?) of Judaism: Perspectives from 90 CE. The 7th graders were assigned different Jewish sects from the Second Temple period to research. On Tuesday, they will be presenting their group’s answer to the question of whether or not Judaism can continue after the Roman destruction of the Temple, and if yes, in what form. Costumes and props are highly encouraged!

In times of crisis, how do we know whether to tenaciously preserve our traditions or to radically reimagine them? I look forward to discussing this challenging question with your children!

Shabbat shalom,



On Tuesday students finally had the magical opportunity to shine as professional scientists. They conducted themselves during the STEAM Fest in a fashion that infected the audience to see the wonder and skills required to create their Rube Goldberg devices. After the STEAM fest we celebrated our accomplishments with a class party. This allowed everyone the opportunity to demonstrate a sense of pride and enjoy a special moment of reflection. We cannot wait to continue our science discoveries next week post Rube Goldberg!  Thank you for everyone who could attend our STEAM Fest event!

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Mike Noll and Samantha Butwin


This week, the 7th graders worked on simplifying and solving linear equations. I am also very excited to spend the rest of the year with the seventh graders in exploring mathematics!



7th graders reflected on their Brooklyn Landmark Elementary School visit, as well as prepared for the upcoming Book Drive taking place December 11 to December 21. They also finished their Coat of Arms and wrote thoughtfully about how they represented aspects of their identities. Finally, students began to dig into ethos, pathos, and logos as persuasive appeals!

Hebrew Heritage

הורים יקרים,

השבוע ערכנו דיון שבו התלמידים היו צריכים להביע את דעותיהם בנושא היתרונות והחסרונות של קבוצה.

כמו כן, התקיים בוחן על אוצר מילים של היחידה, הם ממש הצליחו. כל הכבוד להם!!!

תזכורת, בשבוע הבא, ביום שני יתקיים מבחן סיום הערכת היחידה.

סוף שבוע נעים,
