(718) 858-8663

Beginning June

Hello Fourth Grade Families!
We’ve arrived at the last calendar month of the school year, and the last two weeks of classes. In many classes, we are wrapping up the last of our curriculum and turning our attention to end-of -year celebrations, especially next week’s Songs of America and Israel performance. We hope we will see all of you there on Thursday at 9 am!
Shabbat Shalom! -The Fourth Grade Team
  • Thursday, June 7 – Fourth Grade Songs of America and Israel – 9 am
  • Friday, June 8 – Spirit Day (Students are invited to wear orange and white for school spirit)
  • Friday, June 15 – Last Day of School
It’s been a very exciting week in Judaic Studies: we have finished our Chumash curriculum! Reading together as a class, we closed the story of Yaakov vs. Lavan with the thrilling story of Yaakov’s escape with his family and the treaty that finally put an end to the conflict. One group even continued in the Chumash to find out what became of Yaakov’s brother, Esav, and the rest of his family. Fourth graders finished up the week by learning about the origin of two beloved Jewish prayers: Adon Olam and Lecha Dodi, both of which can be matched to almost any tune thanks to their beats and group-of-four stanzas. Students had a lot of fun putting these words to tunes of popular songs and comparing the results. Next week, we finish up our final Judaics projects and continue on to our final Mystery Unit! Shabbat Shalom!

Can you believe that it’s June already! It’s hard to believe that there’s only two more weeks of school. 

This week was filled with a lot of writing and reading! Students began working on their last writing project. As almost fifth graders they know how to write many different genres and styles, as well as what makes writing great! So, for this last project, students got to decide which genre they want to write – realistic fiction, fantasy, nonfiction, small moment stories, or poetry. Students will be guided through the writing process, but the majority of this project is independently directed.
SCIENCE with Sammi:

The fourth grade scientists have been deeply observing their frogs, crabs, and millipedes to identify their observable traits. Some of the focuses were speed, color, size, interaction with other animals in their tank, interaction with us, body shape, and method of eating. The scientists have also been creating scientific drawings of each of these animals which are continuously developed as they learn more about the body structures. We will spend another week with our animals and then they will need to go to a summer home. I can’t believe there are only two weeks to go!

Have a wonderful weekend!
– Sammi