(718) 858-8663

6th Grade News: 10/30-11/3/17


In both math classes we worked on one and two step equations. We learned how to solve for the variable and how to figure out how to write an equation from a word problem. 6Y took a quiz on two step equations while 6X will be taking the same quiz on Tuesday. Our next unit will be graphing with x and y coordinates and how to figure out how to graph a linear equation. It’s been a fun long week. Hope everyone has a great, relaxing weekend!



This week in humanities, students delved into several deep and meaningful discussions about our current novel, The Giver. We answered questions like: How does “The Community” in the story maintain an orderly and peaceful lifestyle for its inhabitants? Why might a “utopia” try to suppress happy feelings, such as love? What are the potential dangers of love and freedom of choice? I continue to be impressed with the students’ ability to engage in sophisticated and respectful conversations.

In addition, students are continuing to work on two longer-term projects: their Gilgamesh essays and their hero stories. Using a video/slideshow app on the iPads, they’re practicing their design and presentation skills as they bring their original hero stories to life. They’re looking forward to sharing their final projects with each other and parents at our 6th grade academic exhibition on December 20th (save the date!).

Lastly, students have been spending some time each Friday reading and teaching each other about current events. Today we examined articles and political cartoons about the devastation in Puerto Rico and about football players kneeling during the national anthem. Students are enjoying staying well-informed, and they’re eager to share their opinions about these contentious topics. I recommend asking them about current events at home!

Shabbat shalom,




“This week we finished up making our sukkahs and presented them to the class. In our group there were 3 different sukkahs: a tree sukkah, a disco rainbow sukkah, and a futuristic, computer model sukkah. They were all very interesting and unique. We also started our Hannah Senesh unit. Each student wrote a paragraph about her, which are all on the board outside the classroom if you’d like to take a look. We started a third unit, too! On Wednesday students went in stations learning the background information about Shmot, the second book of the Torah that we are focusing on this year. I can’t wait to find out what happens to Josef and his family in the next pasukim of the Torah!”

Shabbat Shalom,



Students this week started their exploration of DNA. During our introductory activity, students created origami models of DNA. This allowed students to physically see the structure of the double helix of DNA. Next week we will continue with interactive activities that will explore DNA in more detail.

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Mike Noll


This week the students finished taking the Avant test. Next, HaKbatza Aleph started the new unit on the body parts. Students will analyze various portraits and write their analysis. HaKbatza Bet started reviewing the learned structures and vocabulary in order to be able to prepare a presentation about the neighborhood of their choice.

In middle school, students must have a way to type in Hebrew at home. They can use a tablet or you can purchase Hebrew stickers for your keyboard or a silicon mat. Please feel free to reach out if that is a challenge.

Have a wonderful weekend,
