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5th Grade Week of 6/11

CHUMASH: What a fantastic end to the year! Students chose a character or object from the Joseph Stories we have studied this year and conducted an interview with them to hear from a new point of view. They asked their character questions that touched on some main ideas that we have explored this year. The presentations were funny, reflective and so unique! I am so impressed with the progress of this class in their text skills as well as their growing ability to really listen and deeply reflect together. I wish you all a wonderful summer and I can’t wait  to continue studying with your students next year! –Laura 

HUMANITIES: Thank you for a wonderful year, everybody! We wrapped up our Book Club Unit in Humanities, and finished exploring the Chinese-American experience in Social Studies. Thank you everybody for making this year special, and thank you to the students for being amazing and making every day count! Have a great summer!-Tony



The students have accomplished a lot this year! It’s been an unforgettable year with the 5th graders. Have a wonderful summer! –Kelly


Students finished up their year of art with the now-traditional Game Day.  They shared the games they had been working on for many weeks, after having created rules, board movers, dice, cards and other objects using drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking processes.

SCIENCE: Students during this final week of science applied all their knowledge and engineering skills to our final project. They pretended to build a space lander that can protect a million dollar Martian probe. We used eggs as the probe and they had to select only 12 materials from a list of 20. We finished the year with smiles, excitement and we all cannot wait to continue science next year.-Mike


This week we finished our biography books!

It was a pleasure teaching 5th grade this year. I wish you all a relaxing summer!

5K finished by reading the bio about famous Israeli singer and song writer ” Shlomo Artzi”.
5J finished by reading  the bio about famous Israeli poet “Rachel”.
Both groups had a closing activity with the Shinshinim and a party!.-Yehuda

הורים יקרים,

השבוע התלמידים הציגו את הפרוייקט שעליו עמלו רבות, קומיקס בעברית לחבריהם לכיתה. מלבד מסיבות של סוף שנה מהנות הייתה להם פעילות מסכמת עם השינשינים – חדר מילוט שהיה ממש מוצלח.

רציתי להודות לכם אישית על תמיכתם לאורך השנה ועל החשיבות שאתם מקנים ללימודי עברית, בלעדיכם  לא הייתה נרשמת כזו הצלחה והתלהבות בקרב התלמידים, תודה רבה!!!