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September 28, 2017

Tashlich and Learning

Tashlich We read the book Tashlich at Turtle Rock in class about a family that completes a four part Tashlich ceremony. In class we created books with personal reflections about something good from the past year, something we want to throw away, and something we promise to try in the next year. Ask your child what they wrote about. Today we emulated the family’s trip with a four stop walk around the neighborhood and to the park. Thank you to Elliot’s mom Shirley for joining us! Writing and Reading We started reading our class read aloud- a true classic story,...
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September 25 – 28

Judaic Studies This week the 7th graders explored the holiday of Yom Kippur. We began by looking at what is said about Yom Kippur in the Torah, and were surprised to discover that the Torah mentions nothing about fasting or about asking for forgiveness. Where did those ideas come from? We turned to the Mishna to find out. Students translated and discussed their ideas in chevruta (pairs) and then shared questions about the Mishna with the whole group. If you chew on your fingernails, does that count as eating? If you put something in your mouth and then spit it out...
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Weeks 3 and 4: Monday, September 18th – Thursday, September 28th

Advisory: This week in advisory, the 8th graders once again stepped up as leaders of the school community. They prepared presentations to help the rest of the students understand the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and what we as a community can do to help.  On Monday, they will give their presentations to the other grades and kick-start our relief drive efforts.   Hebrew:   Dear parents, For the last two weeks, the 8th grade focused on using the structure of VERB + INFINITIVE verbally, in authentic real-life situations. On Tuesday, the students will have a quiz...
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Happy 5778!

Dear Third Grade Families, Shana Tovah! – we hope you have had a wonderful start to 5778! Third Graders started many new activities this week, including homework, social studies and narrative writing strategies. Math: Over the past two weeks, we have been focusing on ordering and comparing numbers. Continuing from Second Grade, we use the image of an alligator eating the greater number, when comparing two numbers. In Third Grade, we expand on this by explaining the order of the words. Students are understanding that we answer greater/less than questions by comparing the left number to the right number. For...
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Ten Days of Awe

Hello Fourth Grade Families! We hope you all enjoyed your Rosh Hashanah weekends and that your new year is off to a great start! Our fourth graders have been working hard, learning their new curriculum, saying Tefillot with fifth and sixth grade, performing Taschlich at the Gowanus, and meeting their new Kindergarten Buddies! We’re very excited for the upcoming Sukkah Sleepover, and will send information about it in the coming week. Have a meaningful and easy Yom Kippur, and G’mar Chatimah Tovah! -The Fourth Grade Team PEEK AT NEXT WEEK: Thursday, October 5-Friday, October 6 – Sukkot, NO SCHOOL Tuesday,...
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First Grade News

First grade mathematicians reviewed number bonds this week. Number bonds help us think of different ways to break apart and put together numbers. First graders explored giant number bonds using hula hoops on the rug. They also made their own number bonds that are on display outside our classroom.   When we look at all the writing first graders have done so far, it’s hard to believe this is only the fourth week of school! This week we celebrated all of the writing we have done by having a museum walk. Each first grader picked his or her favorite story...
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Tasting Apples, Doing Tashlich and much more!

Dear Kindergarten Families, We hope you had a wonderful Holiday! This week was a lot of fun! We had 5 Mystery Guests: Tovi’s family from Sydney told us about various animals that live in Australia, Yahli’s mom read a fun book in Hebrew “Go Away, Monster!” and created fun monsters with the children, and Abby’s aunt from Melbourn came to visit us and taught us some songs! We also met our 4th grade buddies on Thursday! Our buddies made cards for us and took us on a Scavenger Hunt around the school. It was so fun! Ask your child about...
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